Update 1.43 (Gamekutsu Rebaldamu)
Doukutsu Randamu » Devlog
This major patch rebalances or overhauls the majority of equipment in the game, including underused or underpowered ones, adds new Defended gimmick, reworks underwater breathing and fixes many gameplay and balance issues, including the lack of Japanese translation for over 9 months.
New content:
- Overhauled air supply mechanic:
- no longer is restored instantly, but at 2.5%/frame
- air tank/diving suit no longer remove air supply, but make it deplete 3x slower (doesn't apply to lava)
- drowning is slowed by 33% if air tank is equipped
- hearts restore 10%-30% of air when picked up
- Added new gimmick, Defended:
- it spawns flamethrowers and mini-turrets
- mini-turret is a smaller variant of turret, that shoots flames
- mini-turret cannot be destroyed, but gets shut down after taking 50 damage
- mini-turret will reenable itself after 25 seconds of downtime
Balance changes:
- Taking 1 damage gives less immunity frames.
- Significantly buffed wetness effect:
- wet projectiles now inflict effect for longer and stack up to 120 frames
- Buffed Spur:
- increased the hitting rate for spur beams from 3/2 to 2/1
- uncharged shots now have no range limit but travel slightly slower and deal 4 damage instead of 5
- Buffed Snake:
- now travels 2.5x faster (and covers 1.5x more range on lvl2+)
- reduced lifetime from 20/21/26/38 to 9/12/15/19
- changed damage from 3/5/7/10 to 4/5/5/5
- now can pierce 2/3/4 times with 15 local immunity frames at lvl2+
- slightly increased hitbox
- Changed Fireball:
- now always have 2 hits instead of 3 on lvl3
- reduced damage of lvl3 to 8(4\*2) from 9(3\*3)
- extended its lifetime from 100 to 120 frames
- Reworked Machine Gun:
- reduced firing and recharge rate by half
- bullets move 2x faster and have 2x larger hitbox
- increased damage from 2/3/4/6 to 3/5/7/9
- increased Curly's damage from 2-3/3-4/4-5/6-7 to 3-4/5-6/7-8/9-10
- now can pierce 2 (6 on lvl4) enemies with 10 local immunity frames
- Reworked Bubbler lvl1:
- reduced damage from 4 to 0
- now has 3 bullet limit
- increased lifetime from 40 to 250 frames
- bullets travel slightly slower
- now acts as homing mine, flying to closest enemies and exploding into wet droplets
- increased xp requirement from 5 to 25
- Changed Bubbler lvl2:
- now has 1.5x faster speed and 25% less spread
- reduced its damage from 3 to 2
- reduced its lifetime from 60 to 50 frames
- reduced its attack rate from 3 to 4
- Reworked Floodtide:
- increased hitbox and changed animation to be more accurate
- increased damage from 5/7/10/11 to 6/9/12/15
- increased attack speed from 32/27/24/22 to 24/19/17/14
- lvl1 watery explosion now triggers when killing the enemy, increased amount of droplets by 2x
- lvl2 droplets now appear only every 5 swings
- only lvl3 whirlpool can now exist on the level, extended its lifetime by 2.5x
- lvl3 whirlpools spawn less droplets, but can do 3 damage with 16 iframes
- lvl3 whirpools explode into 2x more droplets
- lvl3 sword spawns nano quiver projectiles when hitting
- Buffed Boomerang Blades in general:
- now have local immunity frames instead of static, allowing each one to hit individually
- now deal same amount of damage on way forward and way back
- Buffed Boomerang Blades lvl1:
- increased lifetime from 40 to 50 frames
- blades move 16% faster
- decreased bullet limit from 11 to 3
- Reworked Boomerang Blades lvl2:
- the blade travels 2x faster
- reduced lifetime from 20 to 13 frames
- reduced base damage from 15 to 7
- now deals more damage if it travels longer, with up to 15 damage at max range
- reduced amount of flames at max range by 2x
- now shoots occasional flames on its way back
- Changed Boomerang Blades lvl3:
- reduced its damage from 7 to 0 (still can hit enemies with no damage)
- increased child blade damage from 4 to 5
- blade travels 20% faster, but reduced lifetime from 33 to 30 frames
- Nerfed Boomerang Blades lvl4:
- changed damage to 8
- now is only limited to one blade on the screen
- reduced amount of spawning slashes by 2x
- Reworked Electrum Shotgun:
- increased slightly the spread and the lifetime of bullets
- decreased max ammo by 2x
- increased recharge duration from 60 to 100 frames
- now deals 0 damage, but marks enemies with target signs
- targeted enemies take 3x more damage from next hit, but deal 1.5x more damage to player
- attacking with shotgun again with any enemies targeted will zap them to deal heavy damage
- Reworked Rocket Launcher:
- decreased max ammo by 2x
- now can collect xp, collecting 20 xp refills one ammo
- missile deals damage 2x more frequently
- Nerfed/tweaked Blade:
- blade's slashes now deal 0-1 damage instead of 1
- decreased hitbox of slashes by 2 pixels
- increased hitbox of main blade by 4 pixels
- increased damage of main blade from 1/2 to 2/3
- Reworked Rifle:
- removed ammo requirement entirely
- now pierces infinitely, with 10 local immunity frames instead of 16 static-ish immunity frames
- reduced damage from 10/14/22 to 4/7/10
- reduced lifetime from 27/36/52 to 24/30/46 frames
- increased lvl1's hitbox by 50%
- increased lvl2/3's hitbox by 12.5%
- Buffed Mining Laser:
- reduced its static iframes from 8 to 4
- doubled its recharge speed
- recharging no longer applies when xp bar is empty and only reduces movement speed by 33%
- recharging no longer reduces teleport-dash's distance
- Reworked Energy Whip/Hook Shot:
- renamed into Energy Flail
- updated sprites
- removed ability to control with a mouse
- reduced static iframes from 25 into 15
- increased lifetime from 15/20/52/6 to 25/30/70/12 frames
- changed damage from 10/13/15 to 12/15/10, but damage is halved on retrieval
- increased both enemy and tile hitbox by ~40%
- the bullet now moves 30%-40% slower
- on retrieving and when holding Shoot, drops down and shoots energy bullets every second
- when in such state, the projectile follows gravity and player's horizontal velocity
- those changes do not appear when using Bracket's hook shot variation
- Reworked/tweaked Gatling Gun:
- reduced firerate and recharge rate by 1.5x, to fit with Machine Gun's changes
- now fires 1-(level\*1.5) bullets at once, not just one
- this has a chance to be doubled, with overclock equipped
- now always consumes 1 ammo
- reduced max ammo from 600 to 200
- reduced recharge without Turbocharge from 2 to 3
- Buffed Robotic Equipment:
- no longer uses its booster functionality while underwater
- increased Snake's projectile probability per shot from 4% to 4.5%
- increased Bubbler's spike projectile probability per shot from 25% to 33%
- Reworked Hellsweep:
- damage adjusted from 5/7/10/11 to 12/19/25/32
- lifetime increased from 26/20/18/16 to 48/38/34/28 frames
- ported animation code edits from Floodtide
- lvl2 spawns 2 fireballs instead of 1
- lvl2 fireballs spawn 0.5 tiles lower
- reduced amount of lvl3 flames from 10-25 to 5-20, but made them last 2x longer
- empowered state now triggers at 33% max HP, not 50%
- Buffed Frontier Buster:
- increased use time from 9/40/3/40 to 7/35/3/35
- Buffed Water Gun:
- can now slowly charge when player is underwater
- Rebalanced Little Man/Augmented Man:
- significantly increased his inertion, acceleration and friction
- he now follows player more tightly and jumps more frequently
- fixed damage dealing not properly conforming to 3 damage per 25 frames
- set his damage rate to 1 damage per 4 frames
- going into interacting animation now makes him hunt nearby enemies
- in hunting state, little man shows targets over enemies and deals 3 damage instead of 1
- reduced Excerpt's little man count from 4 to 2
- reduced Augmented Man's attack rate from 6 to 9
- Changed Ballos Burger:
- reduced its bullet's damage per frame from 2 to 1
- increased explosion lifetime from 15 to 35 frames
- reduced the radius of visuals from 48 pixels to 32 pixels
- reduced visual smoke rate from 7 to 5
- explosion now roughly follows the player
- explosion's area is increased to better match visuals
- explosion's area is increased to better match visuals
- Nerfed Iron Bond:
- added 1 second to initial regen cooldown after taking damage
- Reworked Cool Sunglasses:
- now reduce player's immunity frames by 3x instead of making player take 1.75x damage
- Buffed Nice Skates/Terra Boots:
- now removes low friction in Hekichu Caverns
- Buffed Cape of Shadows:
- increased the speed modifier of its dash by 12.5%
- Buffed Gravity Necklace:
- reduced its cooldown from 90 to 60 frames
- Nerfed Pair of Wings:
- reduced charged jump's power modifier from 0.4 to 0.75
- Tweaked Sara's dashing state:
- now deals 2 damage, instead of 1
- fixed dashing hitting beetles and similar enemies across entire map
- Hunter's food now actually drops and does so more frequently.
Misc/Quality of Life:
- Re-added water splashing for Diving Suit.
- Curly now starts with Air Tank.
- Improved ProcGen's air control.
- Whimsical Star now follows player instead of mouse's cursor by default.
- Removed rest of irrelevant references to vanilla's Curly AI.
- Switched hardcoded NPC flags to use constants.
- Attempting to fix GetClosest function being weird (due to overflowing).
- NPC's immunity frames are now reset on its death.
- Attempted to fix the strange things and crashes with newer RNG behavior, which may change stages on reloading the save.
Bug fixes:
- Rewritten some TSC scripts to fix <NOD new line issues (fixes #13).
- Added some gravity force to Doctor P1's projectile phase (fixes #25).
- Fixed Dragon's left side's stray pixels (fixes #26).
- Dragon is now invulnerable before first attack (fixes #27).
- Fixed wrong weapon icon for Frontier Buster's crafting info (fixes #28).
- Cape of Shadows now properly applies slow gravity after a dash (fixes #29).
- Failing to do teleport-dash will still replenish Cape of Shadows's double jump (fixes #30).
- Added a check for weapons going past max xp in some rare cases (fixes #31).
- Shadow Toroko's blocks now self-destruct after their master dies (fixes #32).
- The level boss door now spawns at highest priority possible (probably fixes #34).
- Fixed Ame's up-aiming and interacting sprites shifting too much (fixes #35).
- Fixed saved game's cooldowns not properly restored (fixes #36).
- Bosses can no longer be hurt during star collect jingle (fixes #40).
- Made a bunch of other effects not trigger on ethereal entities (fixes #41).
- Fixed Terra Boots mislabeling Nice Skates in crafting description (fixes #42).
- Fixed Bubbler lvl1 spawning bullets on grass (fixes #44).
- Fixed Flaming Booster and Universal Catalyst conflicting with each other.
Game archive 6.5 MB
Version Dec 02, 2023
Game archive (with Japanese resource pack) 7.9 MB
Version Dec 02, 2023
Get Doukutsu Randamu
Doukutsu Randamu
Cave Story mod that turns the game into roguelite
Status | In development |
Author | TrashboxBobylev |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | Exploration, Metroidvania, Pixel Art, Procedural Generation, Roguelite |
Languages | English, Japanese |
Accessibility | Configurable controls |
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