Update 1.45 (Allied and Supported)

Update on February 19th 2025: a revision has been uploaded to remove beta tag from the game.

This major patch, dedicated to Randamu's third anniversary on doukutsu.club and itch.io, adds ability to add custom characters, customize item and NPC properties and reworks JSON patching with resource overloads, adds a new summon item, revamps the tutorial aspect of the game, majorly buffs Frontier Buster and Energy Flail, adds new boss songs for Reinforced difficulty, updates some visuals and fixes a lot of gameplay and stability issues.

Go to Randamu forums if you want to discuss things in new update!


  • Added new item, Remote Controller:
    • this item summons unique Boosterama, a robotic Prof. Booster that hunts enemies around you
    • Boosterama shoots enemies with unique Booster-themed projectiles, that explode on contact with terrain or enemies
    • Excerpt gets Boosterama as innate
  • Reworked Fragile gimmick:
    • now sometimes causes chain reactions during breaking blocks
    • some blocks during chain reaction may turn into rubble entites, that damage you on falling
    • this can currently cause infinite loops in some scenarios
  • Made flag-specific game logic data-driven:
    • the tag file is `flagTraits.json`
    • this tag contains associative array with flags as keys and lists of traits as values
    • traits define, what should happen or what should be possible, when this flag is active
    • there is a lot of possible regressions and inconsistencies connected to this big refactor, so make sure to report all of them
  • Added data-driven custom playable characters:
    • every character is defined in its own folder, that includes definition JSON and character's spritesheet
    • character order can be defined with `order.txt`, with possibility of automatic arrangement
    • many character-specific properties and quirks are defined with new flag trait system
    • <MIM command is removed due to no longer being needed
    • character select screen descriptions have been transferred from `StageSelect` script to character definitions
    • removed `characterNames` tag due no longer being needed
  • Revamped JSON patching:
    • replacing JSON tags directly now works as with other files, removing `override` functionality
    • the patches instead are grabbed from `Changes` folder in each resource pack
    • patches are applied in alphabetical order and can have a priority to load before other patches
    • patches can be either JSON Patch or JSON Merge Patch format
  • Unified occassional NPC properties tags into data-driven NPC traits:
    • `aquaticEntities`, `bonkableEnemies`, `bossNPCs`, `etherealEntities`, `knockbackImmune`, `lifeIncreaseImmune`, `lifestealEntities` and `timeStopCoefficients` tags have been removed as a result
    • NPC traits are also reloaded during every config full reload instead of NPC table loading phase
    • the format is the same as flag traits: NPC IDs as keys and their traits as values
    • the documentation is yet to be done :tm:
  • Added `equipVisuals` tag:
    • this tag defines the order of overworld-visible equips and with what flag they should be visible
    • `accs_id` refers to members of grid on MyAccs spritesheet
  • Added 2 new random stage music tracks.
  • Added Reinforced difficulty replacements for second campaign's boss theme and Doctor's boss themes.

Balance changes:

  • Reworked Energy Flail lv3:
    • reduced base damage from 10 to 8
    • increased hitbox from 24x24 to 28x28
    • increased base speed from 5.75 to 7
    • decreased iframes by 1.5x
    • now slows down and gets more damage upon contacting an enemy, effectively stitching to them
  • Buffed Frontier Buster:
    • increased lvl1 damage from 2 to 4
    • increased lvl1 homing shot damage from 7 to 12 and made it not decay while homing
    • increased lvl2 damage scaling from 3.5 to 5
    • increased lvl3 damage from 1 to 2
    • increased lvl4 lifespan from 40 to 60 frames
    • increased lvl4 hit count from 15 to 100
    • decreased lvl4 local immunity frames from 15 to 5
    • lvl4 now keeps wall-piercing after homing into enemy and defeating it
    • decreased lvl1 use speed from 7 to 6
    • increased probability of lvl1 homing shot from 12.5% to 16.6%
    • decreased lvl2 use speed from 35 to 25
    • increased probability of lvl3 charged shot from 3.33% to 4%
    • added new visuals for homing shots
  • Buffed Copper Bulwark:
    • significantly increased the effective hitbox while bonking
    • decreased damage from 30 to 25
    • increased iframes from 40 to 60
  • Increased damage requirement for Iron Bond's lifesteal from 36 to 48.
  • Added gliding ability to Cape of Shadows.
  • Removed the ability to dash or sprint through lava without taking damage.
  • Added ability for certain homing things to target map bosses.
  • Dashing ability modifiers, like Cool Sunglasses and Speed Shoes, can now stack more consistently:
    • most of base dashes have been slightly nerfed as a result
  • Changed Omega fight:
    • his projectiles now fall a lot sooner
    • shortened attack cycle to make phase 1 actually work as intended
  • Teleporting frogs no longer attempt to teleport next to the player.

Quality of life:

  • Polar Star and Nemesis are now restocked rather than re-acquired, keeping their positions in weapon rotation.
  • Added cooldown list display into the inventory.
  • Reduced the intensity of flashes.
  • Added the level name into Improved Map System's layout.
  • Added pulsing glowing effect for tutorial signs to be more noticeable.
  • Added outlines to Shadowspec Crags enemies to make them more noticeable.
  • Changed contents of tutorial:
    • reduced its "length" from 9 to 6 entries
    • reshuffled and compressed some of existing information
    • added information about dash, charged jump and swimming
    • removed information about water types, other characters and stronger enemies
  • Reduced clutter on Improved Map System and added some aspermental assets to it.
  • Added crafting terminal into penultimate depth.

Misc changes:

  • Updated GCC version to 14.2.0 and C++ standard version to C++23.
  • Expanded random seed generation:

    • now can generate up to 64-bit limit
    • seed number visual has been shrunken down to account for new limit
    • seed.txt reading has been expanded to hash its contents, if applicable, enabling signficantly larger phrases and numbers to be used
  • Resprited overworld gun sprites.
  • Resprited some items with aspermental sprites.
  • Updated in-game credits.
  • Added testers section into readme's credits, that describes everyone who reported a bug into issue tracker.
  • "Trap" entities, like flamethrowers, now function as proper solid tile, allowing entities to stand on them and blocking bullets.
  • Stage polishing world generation step now erases spaces, that are too small, to make world less spongy.
  • Overhauled equipping code:
    • the new tag, `equipMap`, controls what flags should be activated when equipping the item
    • `<EQ+` now "equips" the specified item, with taking item ID's as argument
    • `<EQ-` now "unequips" items
    • some items are considered passive, meaning their flags are set when item enters the inventory
    • new command, `<EQJ`, checks if specified item ID is equipped and goes to specified event, if successful
    • previous `equip` value has been removed from player data, with older saves and rankings being migrated to new format
    • removed `<E2+` and `<E2-`
  • Reworked Nanites Absorber visuals to use custom sprites instead of reusing fireball trails.
  • Made charged jump animation slower.
  • Resource overloads now can specify font size via `fontWidth` and `fontHeight` variables in their definition.
  • Tweaked some character descriptions to not overflow and be updated for current state of the game.
  • Refactored life capsules:
    • TSC is reduced to 2 events: one for normal capsules and one for nerfed ones
    • life capsule gives health according to current character's life capsule value
  • Nerfed capsule reduces life gain by 1 instead of reducing it to flat 2.
  • Added death reason icons for drowning and falling out of the stage (fixes #131).
    • this is only applied to new runs


  • Fixed lag with water gun's bubble effect tracking.
  • Fixed air tank's lava immunity time being significantly larger than intended.
  • Tutorial signs no longer spawn on top of life capsules.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with map's boundaries.
  • Made world generation be less impacted by where player saved.
  • Fixed slight overflow for Hardened description.
  • Fixed few issues regarding immunity frames:
    • fixed attacks ignoring iframes, if target is map boss
    • fixed local iframes not being properly reset on enemy's death
  • Made life capsule value randomization seeded.
  • Rocket Launcher missile now properly uses immunity frames and guides the player through solid objects.
  • Nano Quiver projectile spawning now properly accounts for edges of map (fixes #45 and truly fixes #66).
  • Added a fail safe for exit door generation getting stuck (fixes #105).
  • Relaxed Improved Map System's scrolling limits (fixes #117).
  • Updated few dashing item descriptions to account for default dash (fixes #118).
  • Fixed the alignment of crafting options being off center (fixes #119).
  • Miracle crafting now updates more consistently (fixes #120).
  • Tutorial sign no longer spawns on top of teleporters in second campaign (fixes #127).
  • Fixed a longstanding issue of Curly not properly blacklisting Air Tank chest (fixes #134).
  • Limited Balfrog's max jump height to prevent him going into the ceiling (fixes #135).


Game archive 6.5 MB
Version 35 days ago

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