Update 1.42.0 (It is in the Name, Huh)
(Edit: the patch 1.42.1 was uploaded, fixing the crash with C++ library not loading.)
This update adds Nanites Absorber and its upgrade, reworks Improved Map System into gameplay option, does a number of enhancements over title screen, implements new PRNG generator and implements daily seeds! As you can see, this is very Cave Random update.
(Japanese translation will come soon.)
- Added Nanites Absorber as chest loot.
- Added Military Armament as craftable item.
- Reworked/nerfed Gravity Necklace: now can be used regardless of being on the ground, but has 1.5 seconds cooldown to compensate.
- Switched the generation order of multitile structures, like clouds, and pickups, like chests.
- Weapons can be now turned into weapon items with pressing Ability key while having them selected.
- Weapon switching is now also accessible if you press Dash key on weapon items.
- Replaced the movement section of tutorial signs with new inventory management section.
- Implemented daily seeds functionality: they set the same seed and playable character each day as long as players have same gameplay options that can affect worldgen, such no Polar Star or no Nemesis. Daily seeds can be replayed as long as player doesn't record their final score for it via dying or winning.
- Removed Improved Map System as chest loot. It is still available for older saves, but will not work properly.
- Added Map System Type as Configuration option, which defines, what kind of map should be used on pressing Map: Normal or Improved.
- Refactored seeded randomization code to be more understandable and clear.
- Fixed platforms and terminals rendering one tile below their position on Improved Map System.
- Redrawn many tiles on Improved Map System to be have less brightness and constrast.
- Redrawn Improved Map System's life capsules and refills to be more noticeable.
- Fixed Gatling Gun's terminal description not showing the correct weapon icon.
- Fixed Gatling Gun not having weapon icon in Legacy Interface mode.
- Fullscreen mode no longer hides mouse cursor.
- Fixed the issue with cooldowns not being drawn at correct position in all resolutions.
- Increased the internal limit of damage/exp value view visuals from 16 to 256.
- Fixed some critical issues, caused by game still assuming that Miracle Matter list is C-style array.
- Switched both normal and levelgen randomization from multiply-with-carry to PCG (more info on https://www.pcg-random.org/)
- Pre-1.42 saves will still use multiply-with-carry when loaded, with minor differences like doors moving into different place and tutorial signs being replaced with warning signs, telling player about PRNG algorithm change.
- Power-up solid pedestals no longer will override enemies and other power-ups when being drawn.
- Hunter's food no longer drops from NPCs that drop zero EXP.
- Rewritten the text on refill station if player has empty Life Pot.
- Tweaked Aqualite Caves's background to tile better. (Tert)
- As a test, semi-solid platforms now render at lowest priority.
- Crafting terminals no longer generate on depth 1 with "stage_debug" option on.
- Fixed Iron Bond not having "'s" in its equipping description.
- Fixed map modifications not actually regenerating.
- Fixed ProcGen's weapon not having proper icon in Legacy Interface mode.
- Fixed the Duckman's ducks having the initial speed of 0 in certain cases.
- Refactored title screen menu to allow for Ability-key activated conditions.
- Significantly optimized title screen code by making it not calculate winrate every frame.
- Moved version info to bottom of title screen.
- Added version name to title screen and debug info block in pause screen.
- Merged "Select Character" and "Start New Game" into just "Start New Game", that selects a character. The quick game start can be activated while holding Ability key.
- Quick game start now has "Yes" selected by default.
- Renamed "Configuration" into "Gameplay Options"
- Merged "Configuration" and "Options" on title screen into one option selection, which is "General Options" normally and "Gameplay Options" with Ability key.
Get Doukutsu Randamu
Doukutsu Randamu
Cave Story mod that turns the game into roguelite
Status | In development |
Author | TrashboxBobylev |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | Exploration, Metroidvania, Pixel Art, Procedural Generation, Roguelite |
Languages | English, Japanese |
Accessibility | Configurable controls |
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